(1) Obsession for answers:

                        We often yearn for closure Because the confusion hurts too much But closure doesn't always come And more importantly It doesn't change the outcome You might be determined to gather answers from your ex partner's family, friends or co-workers But eventually Playing "detective" gets old Which is why you move to stage 2 Which is why you move to stage 2.

(2) Denial:

                            You might have stopped searching for clues and answers But this doesn't mean you're ready to accept things just yet It's too much for you to process still So, you're avoiding it for now Hoping it's just a bad dream you'll wake up from.

(3) Sorrow:

                            But no matter how hard you tried denying the truths It eventually catches up to you You start asking yourself "Why me!" And this time, you really let the water works out.

(4) Relapse:

                         So, you finally managed to see the break up is really happening But you're not ready to let them go You tried to win them back, and come up with a million reasons "why they should still be with you".

(5) Anger:

                        But, it doesn't work You feel fed up and angry about the situation You start holding on to grudges because it's better than not holding on to anything at all.

(6) Acceptance:

                       But even then, you eventually grow tired of resenting your ex So you try something healthier, by accepting the break up for what it is You're not necessarily happy about it But you're no longer bitter either.

(7) Hopefulness:

                        Break up can leaves us feeling scarred and doubtful But, the heart know how to mend over time when you're ready You start dating again, and see you past relationship as a lesson it's important to remember that all the heart break you go through should be taken as an experience.

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