The world is filled with mysteries some solved some you can't measure in some that remain completely unknown but then there comes a time when the unknown becomes known and once verified it becomes fact so here are some amazing facts from around the world that will really leave you amazed number one north korea and cuba are the only places you can't buy coca-cola no matter where you go it's comforting to know you can always enjoy a coca-cola well almost anywhere while this fizzy drink is sold practically everywhere it still hasn't officially made its way to north korea or cuba according to the bbc that's because these countries are under long-term u.s trade restrictions however some people say you might be able to drink coca-cola if you try hard enough although it'll typically be a lot more expensive than what you would pay in the states number two the entire world's population could fit inside los angeles the total population of the world is more than 7.5 billion and obviously that number sounds huge however it might feel a little more manageable once you learn that if every single one of those people stood shoulder to shoulder they could all fit within the 500 square miles of los angeles according to national geographic number three there are more twins now than ever before you might think twins are a rarity but they are actually becoming more common than ever as per statistical record begins from 1975 until 1980 one in every 50 babies born was a twin a rate of 2 percent then the rate began to increase by 1995 it was 2.5 percent the rate exceeded 3 in 2001 and hit 3.3 percent in 2010 that means one out of every 30 babies born as a twin scientists believe

                 This trend is due to the fact that older women tend to have more twins and women are choosing to start families later number four the hottest chili pepper in the world is so hot it could kill you the weapon's great dragon's breath chili pepper is so hot it's absolutely deadly if you ate one it could potentially cause a type of anaphylactic shock burning the airways and closing them up mike smith the hobby grower who invented the dragon's breath along with scientists from nottingham university so why they make such an impractical pepper as it turns out the chile was initially developed to be used in medical treatment as an anesthetic that can numb the skin number five indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world though there are short people and tall people everywhere indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world according to data compiled from various global sources by the telegraph in 2017 when taking both genders into account the average adult is around 5 feet and 1.8 inches people in bolivia don't tend to be much taller with an average adult height of 5 feet and 2.4 inches the tallest people among us live in the netherlands where the average adult height is six feet number six the world's quietest room is located at microsoft's headquarters in washington state silence is golden as they say and while it may not be worth quite as much like jewels and gold to most people it certainly was the primary goal for those who built the quietest room in the world located at microsoft's headquarters in redmond washington the room measures a background noise of -20.35 dba which is 20 decibels below the threshold of human hearing and breaks previous records for spaces that were believed the planet's quietest places according to cnn as soon as one enters the room one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe most people find the absence of sound deafening feel a sense of fullness in the ears or some ringing very faint sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low when you turn your head you can hear that motion you can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud number seven there are around four quadrillion quadrillion bacteria on earth not all bacteria are bad in fact some of those itty-bitty biological cells are actually good for us and aid the world in various and complex ways and that's nice to know according to npr there are around four quadrillion quadrillion individual bacteria on our planet number eight four babies are born every second every second we welcome four new babies into our overall population do a little math and you'll find out that means there are approximately 250 births each minute 15 000 each hour and 360 000 each day according to the ecology global network there are around 131.4 million babies born on earth in one year number nine the coldest temperature ever recorded was minus 144 degrees fahrenheit you might think you're habituated to cold air and stormy winds but the average winter day has nothing on the coldest day ever recorded which was minus 144 degrees fahrenheit 

                The temperature was recorded in antarctica during a span of research between 2004 and 2016. just a few breaths of air at that temperature would induce hemorrhaging in your lungs and kill you number 10 japan is the world's most earthquake prone country earthquakes can range from minor tremors that are barely noticeable to building toppling ground shakers that cause massive destruction but it's an inevitable part of life for those who live in countries such as china indonesia iran and turkey which are some of the most earthquake-prone places on the planet however according to the u.s geological survey japan records the most earthquakes in the world number 11 africa and asia are home to nearly 90 of the world's rural population not everyone lives in a booming city or an expansive suburb many people still make their homes outside of bustling locations especially in india which has the largest number of people living in rural areas according to reuters approximately 893 million people live outside of the city china also has an impressively large rural population with 578 million living outside of major centers number 12 south sudan is the youngest country in the world some countries are hundreds of years old while others can trace their nation's history back for thousands of years but south sudan and north africa just gained its independence from sudan in 2011 which currently makes it the youngest country in the world number 13 there are more than 24 time zones around the world if the earth's time zones were each one hour apart then we would have 24 time zones which sounds pretty straightforward however the situation is a little more complicated than that since many time zones only differ by 30 or 45 minutes they don't fit into a neat and tidy 24-hour span which means that there are more than 24 though it's hard to say exactly how many number 14 there's a website that tracks the world's population in real time as of 2019 the overall human population is estimated to be more than 7.7 billion people and if you want to watch that increase in real time you can tune into the world population clock which shows the upticks and downticks as babies are born and other people die you can also see the current populations of different countries including china 1 billion 420 million plus india 1 billion 368 million plus and the us 329 million plus number 15 facebook has more users than the population of the us china and brazil combined do you use facebook if you don't you're among a number that gets increasingly smaller every day in fact two billion active users have an account on the social media platform which is more than the population of the united states china and brazil combined facebook's co-founder and ceo mark zuckerberg posted about the milestone saying we're making progress connecting the world and now let's bring the world closer together

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